About Me

My name is Linda Duverné and I am a conscious connector of community healing.

Healing myself as a first-generation Haitian American woman to two Haitian immigrant parents has taught me to understand the trauma behind the resilience. In addition to my upbringing in Brooklyn, New York, my trip to Haiti in 2012 established a personal promise I made with myself to my parents’ native country. The promise was to collaborate with the Haitian diaspora to rebuild Haiti. At that time I did not know in what capacity I would be able to support or collaborate with the Haitian diaspora. Now that I am able to contextualize my feelings and experiences, I know I am committed to guiding Haitians and Black people to use intergenerational wisdom to heal from intergenerational trauma. 

At New York University’s Gallatin School of Individualized Study, I concentrated on Self-Care, Mindfulness, and Ancestral Healing for Haiti’s future. My concentration investigated the impact of intergenerational trauma within the Haitian diaspora, specifically focusing on Haitian Millennials and Gen Z (outside of my academic study, my work is intergenerational expanding beyond these two generations). I used Haitian history as a guide to understand how trauma has manifested in the lives of Haitians living at the time of the U.S. Occupation, Parsley Massacre, and the Duvalier regime. Haitian history, Black feminist ideology, and the epistemology of Haitian Vodou has informed my study and given new life to remember our Intergenerational Wisdom. 

Through my wellness offerings, I consciously connect people to their feelings, seen and unseen, to begin their journey of self-exploration. I have always been a sage in my own right, seemingly always having the right words to say, and actively listening to people when we share space and time together. My ability to do all of this has been refined through my growing sense of self and relationship with God. It is important for me to remind people to understand and trust how we know what we know (embodied knowledge + epistemology), how the body keeps score, and how we have the power to return to our divine self.  


I currently offer group meditation and journaling workshops for organizations and companies. Send me an email to see if we align!